What is happening to our job-hunting world?
In our ever-changing world, things keep moving in a new direction and it’s the same in the job hunting world. So what can we do to gain advantages in the job seeking process and get hired easier? First of all, we need to know what are the fundamental elements that stay the same over the years.
Here are elements that will never change :
- To employers, hiring is a risk-taking process and they will do whatever they can to lower the risk
- To job seekers, job hunting is a time-consuming process and they will try to minimise time used
So what are we going to do with this two elements? Let’s check out a real-life case for better understanding!
A start-up company wants to hire a Business Development Manager to boost their sales, they are on tight budget and want to find the right candidate to help with their sales right away. A potential candidate shows up and they are quite happy with him after the interview. However, they still think there are uncertainties on whether the candidate can bring sales to the company. In order to lower the risk, they decided to offer a commission based only package to the candidate, which means as long as there are sales, the candidate will get his / her reward.
On the other hand, the candidate thinks it takes time to prepare a proposal for potential clients to consider the products and the time spent on selling and developing strategies are not being rewarded. In the end, the offer was turned down.
In our world, imperfect information always exists and it’s hard for the employer to predict if the candidate is the right hire, on the other hand, it’s hard for the candidate to predict if this is the right company. That’s why sometimes, he/she who gets hired is not necessarily the one who can do the job best but the one who knows how to get hired.
So now we are offering some tips for job-hunters to GET HIRED with better preparation!
Tips 1 What are your job hunting strategies?
The traditional way – find what’s on the job market and try to fit in
The innovative way- find a job that fits you or creates a new job role
Remember that many roles these days do not exist 10 years ago!! It doesn’t have to be something totally different from the market but just a slight change might fit you well.
Tips 2 Know yourself
Do research on yourself first then the job market
If you are uncertain about yourself, it’s like wandering around the shopping malls without purpose. You end up spending lots of time shopping but buying nothing or buying too much unnecessary stuff.
Tips 3 Ask useful questions
- what are the transferable skills you have( list them out and arrange them in order depending on how much you like that skill)
- Where do you want to do (environment, culture, people you will be surrounded by, company value)
- How to find the title of such job, companies that offer such job and the name of the person who has the power to hire you for such job
Tips 4 Find out what you love about a company before applying it
Companies are spending tons of money to motivate their employees whereas passionate employees motivate themselves. Compare to those who only have competencies but no passion, Candidates with passion and competencies usually get hired easier.
Tips 5 Take initiation
Reach for the company that interests you, even if they do not have a vacancy. Sometimes companies will create a new role if they find a good fit for their team.
Tips 6 Go for small companies
Small companies sometimes offer more flexibility on the job role and they are less likely to eliminate your resume without meeting you in person. Also, in small companies, your opinions are more likely to be heard!