How often when you try to complete a task and there are so many things going on that eventually you forget what you are doing?
Every day we are being bombarded by excessive information. Our brain tries its best to filter and prioritise for us but there are still too much information to go through. So we end up having so much on our plates and lose focus performing on the different tasks and become inefficient in the process.
One of the definitions of the word Focus from Oxford Dictionaries is this:
Focus – The centre of interest or activity
Indeed it is a very simple and straight forward definition. However, it is easily said than done. One of the main reasons why we can focus on a task is because it interests us. When we are interested in something, we become motivated and we perform better. As the number of task increases, our energy and focus are divided. As a result we give less attention to each task and are more prone to errors. It may take longer for us to complete all the tasks at the same time rather than completing them one by one.
To maximise “Focus” so to speak, we must first prioritise the tasks and complete them in sequence. In this way, each task is completed with full focus and determination yielding the best possible outcome.
Next time when you have a lot on your plate, try this method and see if it has an effect on the quality of your work =)