OPQ Assessment*Management*
到底她/他能否擔任一個優秀的管理者? 或是公司需要再培訓?
OPQ *Management* 不止是一個概括的報告,而是一個詳盡的分析協助公司做出重要管理層安排決定時的一個專業指標。清晰分析管理風格,與同事之間的相處,以及工作上情緒管理的模式。甚至是對於相關同事是否適合擔任管理層也能為公司做出一個適當的評估!
歡迎企業電郵 cynthia.chan@nextinnovationgroup.com 或致電 2603 3221 查詢相關費用
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We offer free shipping anywhere in the U.S. A skilled delivery team will bring the boxes into your office.
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The OPQ Manager Plus Report is based on the OPQ32 and utilises the Universal Competency Framework and the CEB Team Impact Model. The Manager Plus Report presents information in business relevant, understandable terms. The report format helps line managers interpret and use the information to support hiring or development decisions with minimal training or guidance.
Features of the Manager Plus Report:
- Designed with line managers in mind
- User-friendly, business relevant reporting
- Concise, easy to interpret with minimal training
- Graphical representations of results
- Shorter narrative statements
- Links to state-of-the-art Universal Competency Framework (UCF)
The Manager Plus Report shows how an individual:
- Prefers to work (e.g. whether they like to sell and negotiate, or not).
- This information covers three key areas: how an individual interacts with people; how they approach tasks; and how their feelings and emotions impact at work.
- Is likely to perform against the 20 Universal Competencies proven to be important at work (e.g. Leading & Supervising)
- Is likely to interact with colleagues and the impact the individual will have on a team
There is growing recognition that successful teams contribute greatly to an organisation’s success, however, few tools in the market offer a practical and cost effective way of measuring, building and selecting teams. The Manager Plus Report incorporates CEB’s Team Impact model which addresses these issues and provides users with an easy to use and relevant way of evaluating and monitoring team dynamics.
** Please contact us for the package fee via cynthia.chan@nextinnovationgroup.com