Manners Maketh Man

For those of you who have seen the movie – “Kingsman: The Secret Service” will have definitely heard of the headline. So what does it stand for?  Here is one definition: A man is nothing if he does not have manners. It could mean differently for you. For me, Manners mean EVERYTHING!

Manners define you whether you are at home, at work or life in general. Everyone makes mistakes and even though you may have the courage to own up to your mistakes but with the wrong manner, it means NOTHING.

Customers may have the right to demand or request extra attention but without the right manner, what they will get is a standard response rather than a genuine response out of RESPECT.

Next time when you talk to a potential client, customer or new friend, pay attention to their manners, you will find out more about that person via their manners than all the things that you discuss with them.

The IMPORTANT message to take away from is this:

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch
Rudyard Kipling