Are you serious? Both are working for the same company but each has different hiring objectives.
Views from HR Manager: Bring out the checklist!
Academic qualifications, Language skills, career track record, personality, punctuality, eye-contact, salary package…and so on.
Views from Marketing Manager: Ready to go!
Relevant experience, passion in the role, working style, character, teamwork, chemistry with him/her, share the same view about the market…etc
It is simple. HR Manager is not the end user. He/She is representative of the company to assess whether a candidate is suitable for the job based on the checklist and more importantly the budget.
Marketing Manager is the end user. He/She wants someone who fits in with the current team, has the skills and passion for the role regardless of whether this candidate fits in all the criteria listed on the checklist. Package can be negotiated if the candidate is an outstanding one. (…Well it depends)
No way!
Surely there must be a meeting of some sort to align what is expected of the potential candidate between the HR Manager and the Marketing Manager. There is but it is likely that this is done in the form of a telephone conversation and it is not extensive enough. This is particular true when there are many openings in the company and the HR Manager has to interview candidates before passing them on to the next stage to meet the relevant line managers.
It is IMPORTANT to meet and align
Many companies follow the selection model of having first and second interviews. My view is that ideally both mangers should sit in for the interview, and a face to face meeting between the HR Manager and the Marketing Manager should take place before any interviews. It is crucial (Don’t laugh) because it is likely that the two Managers have not met before! This is common, especially if it is a big company with a large organisational structure. Any specific requirements, concerns and difference in viewpoints can be expressed during the meeting. In that way, even if the Marketing Manager cannot make it due to work or whatever reason, the HR Manager will have a much better picture of what the Marketing department needs and be able to shortlist potential candidates for accurately.
Want to save more time? Give First!!!
The first thing that I do after receiving a search request is to have a meeting with my client, preferably the ender user. If that is not possible, I will set up a meeting with the HR person responsible for the hiring and ask him / her to share what the line manager has in mind for this particular opening. This will allow me to do a better job in sharing information with potential candidates and assist them on deciding whether to apply the role or not after they know clearly what is expected of them. Hence a more accurate matching can be done.