5 years ago

It’s all in your mind

I had a tough match last weekend. Down 4:2, serving at 0:30, could be game over in less than 5mins🤦🏻‍♂️ At that moment, I remembered what my coach said to me. Search for the ball🎾 more often than not, I was too eager to hit the ball and ended up mishitting it😅 I managed to...

6 years ago


什麼人會想轉工? 想必需要長時間加班的你就一定會浮現過這個想法。 與同事之間的相處,上司是否有能力管理,薪金跟工作量成不成正比,很多原因都會讓人浮現過想轉工的念頭。不喜歡一份工作,有時候原因多到自己也分不清到底該換個公司還是換個行業。

8 years ago

